Great Tips to Improve The PACS in Your Hospital


If you’re working in a big hospital, you probably know and have interaction with the hospital PACS. But, the question is whether you’re getting most out of the solution that you currently have. Also, it’s a matter of thinking about what may happen if your patients go to the satellite location.

The matter might be tricky to have your hands on your patients’ records and PACS medical imaging when you need them. Also, it’ll be not so easy to work together with other physicians and colleagues on those difficult cases.

Or, you should search for them and ensure you’re in the same place or room together. If you find any of the said-scenarios are ringing bell negatively then keep reading. You’ll find a handy and simple solution that we’re going to share with you.

The Cloud

While you’re using a smartphone or any other smart device, you should be using the Cloud. This is the way how all your apps work. You might don’t have all of the Apple products, but they allow you to download documents, music, videos, and email drafts.

They all make sure the availability of access from anywhere and anytime while going through the Cloud. Things are the same at the way you use your smart devices for different reasons and using it for PACS to store your patients’ images and data.

Indeed, you get the power of sharing, accessing, and get going mobile with your patients’ medical imaging anywhere and anytime with this solution.

Make an Effort of Solution Using SAM

Sharing, accessing, and mobility is SAM in short in terms of your patients’ medical images. This is the final output of using a PACS that’s based on the cloud. Also, it’s most likely the onsite hospital PACS that you might be already using. This is indeed a great thing to keep all the things in your home.

But, your patients may like to use their images and data from a remote location or it may need a specialist doctor. That’s why you should use cloud based PACS that will make the availability of images and data for everyone. Thus, you can avoid all hardness to reach the medial images for their desired persons.

Elimination of The Multiple IDs

When you have a cloud-powered hospital PACS, your patients don’t need multiple IDs to access their images. According to your needs, you can ask your service provider and they’ll set up the solution.

It enables automatic and instant recognition of patients’ records when they upload in the system. No matter they’re doing it in their imaging center or original practice, all the records will be remaining under a single ID.

Make Possible Second Opinions

If you have to work together on a case with your colleague, then it doesn’t require taking them down. As you’re using the cloud, you can share your patient’s images and their data wit anybody within a few seconds. And it requires just a single press or clicks to share them with your desired persons.